Volunteering Scheme
At our AGM, Mary Cripps talked to the Club's Volunteering Scheme. Some Members present we uncertain what and how it worked. Hopefully, this update will make things clearer.
All Teams we enter, across all disciplines, MUST provide a 'certain' number of Volunteers. Without Volunteers we cannot 'field' Teams, it really is as simple as that. As a Club, our ethos has always been competing for your Club is an absolute 'given'. If you want to fly the Wellington RC Flat you absolutely can. We do, therefore, put out a lot of Teams so, as a consequence, we need all members to volunteer half a day (as per the commitment you make on signing your membership form). When you have 8 hours you email info@wellington-rc.co.uk and let Susan Richardson know which 'Clinic' you would like to join. Your 8 points earn you a free training clinic. Read Our Launch Post